All jokes aside, protein is the REAL DEAL friends. Let's dive deep into the importance of protein today, how it effects mineral status & more!
Protein is essential for so many functions in the body! It drives the growth & maintenance of thousands of proteins that are encoded in the body. It is like the glue that holds everything together & keeps the body functioning as a whole, adapting to various environments & more.
When the body doesn't have enough protein stores, many problems/symptoms may arise. When the body doesn't have enough protein, it can cause a huge amount of stress on the system. If this stress continues over time & becomes chronic, it can result in the depletion of essential nutrients & minerals in the body.
From the comprehensive review shown above, "Dietary protein intake deficiency . . . exacerbates the deficiency of other nutrients & worsens metabolic profiles." (2)
Additionally, someone who is lacking adequate protein intake may experience a multitude of symptoms. Some symptoms may include but not be limited to (1,2,3,4):
neurological disorders such as emotional instability, moodiness, depression, anxiety, insomnia
hair breakage/loss
physical weakness, fatigue
impaired immune response, frequent sickness
pale, dry skin
issues with nutrient absorption, transport & storage
headaches, nausea, fainting
lowered levels of insulin, growth hormone & thyroid hormones
imbalance of other hormones
increased aging processes
low libido
swelling of the joints, edema
infertility or reduced fertility
increased overall oxidative stress in the body
impaired growth in youth & infants
Ok, so we all understand by now that protein is of utmost importance for an individual's overall health & wellbeing. So how much protein should we be aiming for each day? Well, there's not really a "set" number.
Adequate protein intake can vary on an individual basis, dependent on life stage, overall stress load, amount of physical activity & more!
From my deep dive into various research articles, it can be concluded that most average adults seem to function optimally when their protein intake is between .7g protein per lb of bodyweight - 1.1g protein per lb of bodyweight a day (1,2,4). For example, a 130 lb female *should* aim for 91-143g protein/day for optimal health/wellbeing.
With that being said it seems like it may be quite tricky to reach that amount of protein a day with a standard American diet (which is mostly comprised of carbs now-a-days).
Here are some simple ways that I like to
incorporate more protein into my day:
sipping on bone broth throughout the day (it's rich in minerals too!)
having hard boiled eggs on hand for a quick snack on the go
staying stocked on grass-fed meat sticks
incorporating meat/fish w/every meal
snacking on dairy products such as yogurts, cheeses, milks
adding collagen to my drinks, smoothies, sauces, etc.
My 2 favorite brands of collagen are: Perfect Supplements Grass Fed Collagen & Saturee Collagen: they have a Marine Collagen & a Premium Bovine Collagen (You Can use code: LEXIEHAREN for 10% off your Saturee purchase!)
Also swipe through the pictures below for some of my fav high protein snacks . . .
Let me know in the comments, what's your favorite way to add extra protein in throughout your day?!
With much love & lots of protein,
Works Cited:
1. Elmadfa, I., & Meyer, A. L. (2017). Animal Proteins as Important Contributors to a Healthy Human Diet. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 5(1), 111–131. doi:10.1146/annurev-animal-022516-022943
2. Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation on Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition (2002 : Geneva, Switzerland), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization & United Nations University. (2007). Protein and amino acid requirements in human nutrition : report of a joint FAO/WHO/UNU expert consultation. World Health Organization.
3. Wu, Guoyao. “Dietary Protein Intake and Human Health.” Food & Function, vol. 7, no. 3, 2016, pp. 1251–1265.,
4. Layman, Donald K. “Dietary Guidelines Should Reflect New Understandings about Adult Protein Needs.” Nutrition & Metabolism, vol. 6, no. 1, 2009, p. 12.,
**None of this is medical advice. None of the information in this post should be used to diagnose, treat or cure any medical conditions. Consult your physician with any medical concerns you may have. This is simply from my own experience & research.**